Simple Fried Okra / Bhindi / Vendakya
Okras are extremely common in most Middle Eastern and Far Eastern regions. They are a popular part of Indian cuisine. Unlike western and Middle Eastern countries, where okras are typically cooked along-with meat; in India they mostly constitute a vegetarian meal. Whether stir-fried, cooked in spicy gravy, or used in raita, Okras are extremely diverse and it is entirely unto your imagination how you choose to use them.
Typically as in any Keralite household, at my place also Okra or Lady?s Fingers are consumed in different forms all round the year. Since my daughter also loves them, this super healthy veggie ? rich in protein, vitamin C and anti-oxidants, are a frequent addition to our meals. This fried Okra recipe is so simple you can breeze through it and be guaranteed of delicious result.
A good Bhindi sabzi begins with selecting good fresh Bhindis. Unless you are absolutely sure that the grocer stocks the best quality, which is not very likely, I would suggest take some time for this process since the rest is relatively simple. Check for firmness. Test by holding a Bhindi in your fist upside down and try to snap off the tail using your thumb. If it breaks with a firm snap, toss it in your basket, if it doesn?t, chuck it and move to the next.
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Another Okra recipe for my collection, thanks for sharing!!! I have bookmarked. Wish you a wonderful weekend.
Thanks Liz. Do let me know how it was if you try it. Have a great weekend yourself.